20 June 2019

The Water Tastes Better From the Governor’s Mansion

Imagine I was going to drive to work. But instead of taking the roads already in existence, I wanted to build new roads because my friends would make lots of money, and they helped me get my job in the first place. 

Imagine this road went right through parks and playgrounds, but I had it built anyway.

Imagine the road was finished and I started driving. My investigator sent me an urgent report that this road was dangerous to those in the area and people would die if I drove it and told me I should immediately return to the original roads. But I continued on. My GPS flashed with warning and told me to turn around, but I turned it off and didn’t listen.

Imagine many people died, others suffered in ways they would never recover from as a result.

Now imagine it wasn’t a road that was built but water pipes that eliminated a clean water source in favor of a filthy one. Imagine it wasn’t a GPS that was ignored but medical advice and records of devastating consequences. Imagine I was governor of the state of Michigan. Imagine I knew of the harm early on but denied it and continued anyway. 

Well, actually, imagination is no longer required.

23 Apr 2019

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