30 April 2020

My Fowl Mouth

My fascination 
with ducks
has seemingly
since autocorrect
entered my life

30 Apr 2020

Redundant Circles Never Leading Anywhere

The slight hint
of green is enough
to excite my feet
rapidly into motion,
wind rippling 
through my fur

For a moment,
I feel alive

The thrill dies
in a few short strides
as I’m met with bars,
a gate, a fence, a wall
A trap I can’t seem 
to escape

Déjà vu,
every damn day

My life defined,
by the men who 
built my narrow bars,
selling tickets 
so children could see
the sad remnants 
of my caged life

I pace in desperation,
my life reduced
to redundant circles
never leading me anywhere

Despite the illusion
of comfort,
my body knows
that trapped
is not where I belong

Mar 2020

This was written as part of The Zoo, which is a collaboration (in writing and performance) with Zach, combining music and poetry. You can view the full piece here:

26 April 2020


They wanted me 
to stay inside their box,

to color 
inside their lines

They wanted me 
to stay inside their box,

easily judged,
easily classified

They wanted me 
to stay inside their box,

if my box moved,
their box would
topple from its
comfortable perch

They wanted me 
to stay inside their box,

but their box
was narrow
and empty

They wanted me 
to stay inside their box,

but there were
hinges on the lid

26 Apr 2020

25 April 2020

Deejaying to an Audience of One

we controlled
the airwaves

within a tiny radius,
for a couple hours
each week

Weird Al
and the Beatles
and whoever else
we pulled from
our backpacks
each Wednesday night

keep me company
on long walks alone

I still control
the music

the audience,
as statistically 
as it was,
has dwindled
to one

discoveries and
underappreciated gems
fill my ears

me longing
for the days,
sitting beside
one of my
best friends,
in front of us,
laughing and jamming,

the decision
of which track
would next hit 
the airwaves 
sitting snugly
in our hands

24 Apr 2020

24 April 2020

Memories That Dance in the Rain

Childhood memories
tiptoe, twist,
tango, and tap dance
their way among
the drops

Drops of rain
onto the photographs
of our minds,

embrittled from
our oily hands,
whose loving touch
has left them
bent and warped  

with family lore

and yellowed
from the endless
procession of 

until we can 
no longer tell
which moisture
is the true
memory of sweat
and which drops
were simply
the result
of the rain

24 Apr 2020

20 April 2020

God is a File-Folder-Manila Horse’s Head

Her chair creeks
as she reaches
for the last folder
in the last drawer
of her file cabinet

She knows
(of course she knows,
she knows everything),
that humans should
alphabetically be filed 
between howler monkeys
and hummingbirds

But she never wants
to stumble accidentally 
over her greatest 

She sighs, pen in hand,
and opens the file
to add the latest update

Once again,
they killed recklessly,
she writes,
wishing now
she had used 
a spreadsheet,
(marking x’s would 
have been easier)

They slaughtered endlessly,
she continues 

Forests fell to their 
unquenched, greedy hands

They stood proudly
atop their pile of victims,
thanking her
(or their shallow
understanding of her)
for their overstuffed bellies
and their accumulating piles
of stacked green paper,
as if that were somehow
part of her plan 

if she does exist,
is crying for her children
who thoughtlessly 
cut off the head
of the horse and
then pray in hope
that he will run again

20 Apr 2020

16 April 2020

Melancholy is an Indigo Plant

The calendar
claimed Spring,
the time
of beautiful

But behind 
my mask,
I felt not
the warmth 
of the sunshine,
only cold,
lonely isolation

like rain
upon my 

I held 
my breath,
defying osmosis,
unwilling to let 
the water droplets
enter my roots

One day
I hoped
my blossoms
would return

One day
I hoped
to breathe

16 Apr 2020

13 April 2020

Dread is a Tangerine Lunchbox

Ensnared by
his glaring menace,
an awkward silence 
fell upon the lunchroom

I cowered internally
over my tangerine 

selfishly hoping
it was not my turn
to be today’s target

13 Apr 2020

12 April 2020

Monsters of the Ditch

Monsters filled 
the ditch
as I walked 
along its edge

Original and Ultra,
Java Monster,
Mega Monster

Side by side with 
Copenhagen snuff,
Orange Julius,
diet Dr. Thunder,
and a seemingly
endless supply
of undiscernible 
plastic remnants

Rolling Rock
that rolled 
out your window

Countless Bud Lights,
now lighter,
after you took
what you wanted
and discarded the rest

Your empty pack 
of Marlboros
ensure you first
polluted the air
before turning 
your disdain 
to the soil

Dasani and 
you desired 
the water 
to be purified
only inside 
your own bottle,
your own bubble,
and fuck the rest

Your trash can,
my street

My glove-covered hands
scoop your indifference,
your entitlement,
into my trash bag,

a bag you filled 
before I managed 
to reach the 
first stop sign

Even if you 
can’t be bothered
to help save 
the world,

it would be nice
if you didn’t work 
so damn hard 
trying to 
destroy it

12 Apr 2020

10 April 2020

Love is a Smoker’s Dingy Yellow Lamp

I stared 
in silence,
how all the 
dust and grime
on top of 
that was once
so fresh 
and new

The remnants
of excitement
now dimmed
years of 
toil and 

and I had 
no idea
how to 
even begin
to remove
the stains

10 Apr 2020

09 April 2020

Euphoria is a Jolly Rancher Green Clown

Smiles lined the 
faces of my friends

But his skin
was the color 
of the sticky green
jolly rancher
I found weeks later
under my bed

His nose the color
of the blood 
I imagined dripping 
from my veins

His laughter
would pierce
my nightmares
for years to come

One kid’s euphoria
is another kid’s
creepy-ass clown

9 Apr 2020

A Hangover is a Beige Dictionary

The disagreeable aftereffects
were an inconvenience 
he had learned to tolerate

The irritation 
of his abdomen,

The sporadic
anguish inside 
his cranium

Lethargic mornings,
a tolerable consequence
of the drunkenness
that disguised 
the harsher pain 
that filled his nights

9 Apr 2020

04 April 2020

Wonder is a Sage Green Crocus

I asked 
for the twenty-ninth time,
though I wasn’t 
the one keeping count

“That one,” I said,
my finger 
pointing out the obvious
“Why does it stay green?”

“It is young and still growing,”
she replied 
with more patience
than I might muster
in her place

“Like me,” 
I exclaimed

“Yes, dear. Like you.”

“But, mom, 
what if it never 
turns purple,
what if it is always 
different than the rest?”

“Then it will still be beautiful
just the way it is.”

“Like me?”
I asked hesitantly,

“Just like you,”
she smiled,
awaiting my 
next question

4 Apr 2020

03 April 2020

Truth is a Cobalt Blue Vase

As long as 
I could remember,
she had loved flowers

In her gardens,
on her table

She could no longer 
work the land, 
it was struggle enough
to care for herself
these days

Her blue vase,
the former centerpiece 
of her stunning
dining room table,
now sat on a small 
bedside stand

to brighten 
the confines
of the only room 
she could still 
call her own

With each visit,
she would tell me 
the names of the 
beautiful occupants:

ox-eye sunflowers,
wild bergamot,
rough blazing stars

With curiosity,
my mind wondered
which flowers 
I’d see blooming today
when I stepped 
inside Grandma’s room

The emptiness of the vase
told me everything
before the nursing home staff
could say a word

3 Apr 2020

Obstacle is a Canary Yellow Globe

That globe
That goddamn globe

Canary yellow
like the world was sick

and the water polluted
with something foul

She dragged it everywhere,
such a strange object
for my little sister’s affection

Snuggling it 
like a teddy bear
as she traveled
from room to room

But her attention 
waned easily,
she was a child after all,

and the globe,
that goddamn globe,

seemed to always
find my toes
as I stumbled down 
the dark hallway
to my bedroom

It wasn’t until years later
that I came to realize
how fitting the color was

3 Apr 2020

Oval Office Party

Hate grabs his buddies
(he’s perpetually popular)

Blame sits 
like a parrot
upon his shoulder,
eager to squawk

Boastful and Lies,
conjoined at the hip,
whisper in his ear,

while Greed salivates
in anticipation

puffs his chest
in a futile effort
to block Confusion
from sight

Ineptitude has renamed 
himself Genius

No, Hate is never alone

3 Apr 2020

This piece was written from this writing prompt: