10 June 2019

Morals on Monday

Meatless Mondays
for those of us who
don’t want animals
to suffer
...every day

I mean, I care,
but not on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays,
the weekend

One day a week
I can do something better.
I won’t pay for their suffering
…on Monday

I’m already hating
the alarm clock,
the official end
to my weekend,

That brought me back
to my 9 to 5
I guess I can eat
a bean burrito

Not tomorrow
That’s asking too much
I can’t be expected to care
two days in a row

--Hold on--

While only causing suffering
six days a week
is certainly better 
than seven,

When did our morals
have breaks,
optional days?

If our boss exhibited
sexist attitudes,
would we encourage him 
to stop being sexist 
...on Thursdays?

Since we know 
not being sexist every day 
would be too sudden 
a change for him

Are we against 
family separation
...on the weekends?

Do we oppose
...on Fridays?

Do we shun 
...every other Tuesday?

Is pedophilia
...the first Sunday
of the month?

If we deem something wrong,
how can it be wrong
only some of the time?

Is convenience 
a justification 
for our morals?

Do we really
only have the willpower
for 14.3% follow-through
on our values?

9 Sep 2018

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