26 June 2019

If We Were Comfortable, We Wouldn’t Need to Look Away

If we were 
truly comfortable
with the idea
of eating dead animals,
we wouldn’t need 
to keep the process
hidden from our view

would have glass walls
and stream webcams
and it wouldn’t deter
our ample appetite

Pictures of this process,
with opened skin
and dripping blood,
would be brightly displayed
on the packages
of their dead bodies

Which is, after all,
what is passing
through our lips, 

But when we take 
their chopped remains 
to the checkout counter,
we insist the label 
ensure us they were happy

We want to see life
on the package,
merrily roaming through
open green fields

Even as we literally 
pay for their death,
we are unwilling 
to allow ourselves 
to imagine it

5 May 2019

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