29 June 2019

Reevaluating Perfection from the Rear-View Mirror

I met her in seventh grade
It wasn’t just her beauty
that surpassed, in my eyes,
anyone who had yet 
walked the halls
beside me

It was also 
her kindness,
her sweetness,
her friendship
to my small,
awkward self

She was my type
but I wasn’t hers

Or perhaps 
I was just 
too shy to ever
say I wanted
anything more
than her friendship

Maybe I could 
have dated 
her then

Maybe my self-doubt 
was the only thing
that stopped me,
but I have 
enough self-doubt left
to doubt it

Thoughts of her 
never left 

as we made 
our way through
the remaining years 
of middle 
and high school

Even through
the glaring looks
of the bully
she dated instead

We crossed paths again,
as lives sometimes do,
several years 
and children later

She was the perfect
girl for me then,
I didn’t have 
the slightest doubt 
of that certainty,
but she isn’t 
the perfect girl 
for me now

I don’t know
if she has changed,
though how could you 
live thirty-two years
and not have change 
fall upon you?

But I know
with full clarity

that I have changed,
that I am not 
that twelve-year old boy
longing for 
her attention
any longer

I am not even the 
young adult I was 
when I left that school
after a thirteen-year
progression towards
a cap and a gown

I may not even be
who I was yesterday

The unattainable desire
of my twelve-year old eyes
would not make
my heart soar today

Sometimes the shattered
dreams of childhood
are better left behind,
though you couldn’t have
convinced me at the time

21 Nov 2018

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