10 July 2019

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Sales


Design is marketing,
marketing is sales,
and sales is the reason
we are in business

And business,
of course, 
must always
move forward

Our packaging is stale,
out of touch,
old school,
reeking of 1990s

So here you sit,
the best of the best,
the fresh crop
brought in 
to revitalize our packaging

Go. Make me proud.


Dean, have a seat
We need to talk

You’re a great artist,
That’s why you are here
Your talent 
is not in question,
but we need to discuss 
your content

Let’s take a peek
at your proposed label,
shall we?

Yes, drawing a pig
for our bacon package
does indeed make sense,
but this will never do

No, it is perfectly drawn,
the lines, the shadows,
but there is a problem
that is kind of 
glaring me in the eyes

The pig you drew 
is dead, Dean

Yes, I understand 
bacon is dead,
but this is 

People don’t buy dead pigs, Dean
Well, I mean, they do,
but they don’t buy them
with pictures of dead pigs 
on them

Do you see the difference?

Try again, Dean,
but with your pig
looking a little more, 
you know, 


Ah, Abigail, yes,
I did want to see you

Now you know 
we were impressed 
with your photography,
that’s why you were hired

But these images you just took…

No, the composition is stunning,
the lighting is great

But it seems you 
went to one of our farms 
to take them

Yes, I understand why
that would make sense to you
since we are selling 
our product

But we aren’t going 
for realism here,
we are going for sales

People don’t like
seeing pigs packed tightly,
though pigs packed tightly 
is better business

So we create a better image,
not on our farms, 
just in our pictures

Go back out, Abigail
and find a tiny farm
One with just a few pigs

Oh, and make sure the 
barn is red this time
People seem to like that

4 May 2019

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