31 January 2020

The Obituary of Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances, age 232, departed this life and went to be with its makers on January 31, 2020. After suffering from poor health for years, Checks and Balances was found dead on the senate floor. Photographs show a knife in its back, which many witnesses were willing to corroborate but their testimony was declined as they were told the knife did not exist. Preceded in death by its beloved spouse, the late Integrity, and their children, Facts and Evidence, Checks and Balances is survived by four remaining children, Greed, Corruption, Indifference, and Party Over Country. In lieu of flowers, the bereaved ask that you send votes. Services will be held November 3rd for those who wish to pay their respects to the dearly departed. 

31 Jan 2020

30 January 2020

I’ll Take "White Fragility" for 600, Alex

White people, while adamantly proclaiming their lack of personal racism, completely lose their shit when they think someone might have just called them a racist.

And, I know, your brain has already flagged my first line, vehemently protesting that I didn’t make the statement conditional.

“Not all white people,” you shout.

As we always do, anytime we are challenged. 

The deflection allows us to kick back in our comfort, convinced we are never personally the problem. It is always someone else. 

Racism isn’t lying in wait, hoping someone comes along to flip the “I am racist” switch so it can pounce freely back from the 1960s, the time a lot of white Americans blindly think it somehow died. We killed King, but we eventually gave you a day off work, so racism must be a relic banished to the brief mentions in history books.

We are immune, we say. Although we live in a country that only reluctantly, through years of bloodshed, decided owning other humans should be frowned upon. A country that even then, when forced to abandon slavery, only shifted our racism. To segregation, lynching, voter suppression, gerrymandering, racial profiling, prisons. 

How can we grow in this country, as white people, and think our work is done? That we somehow avoid racism with our good intentions, like a backpack full of kryptonite that keeps it from coming within arm’s reach. That we should never be questioned. That we can never improve. There is no racist bone in our bodies, we contend, in a country built on the murdered bones of those whose bodies held a different hue.

Of course, we claim, history and culture hold no influence over us. No subtleties have worked their way unknowingly into the way we interact with the world. 

If we truly want to be anti-racist, it takes more than good intentions. It takes effort and examination, and that is often uncomfortable. And if we are called out on something we say, our first response cannot be spewing hateful words to show them how wrong they are that we aren’t a perfect person.

Our first response has to be to seek to understand how our actions or words could have appeared problematic, despite our intentions.

If we have built protective walls blocking any chance for self-examination, then we will end up as woke as Garfield
…after three pans of lasagna.

30 Jan 2020

28 January 2020

Until His Sharpie Runs Dry

Lies raged unabated
Facts drowned with the tide
As they try to keep him in power
Until his sharpie runs dry

25 Jan 2020

25 January 2020

When We Have to Rescue from Those We Love

(For Ace)

I hear praise for my work
offering sanctuary for the few
who, through serendipitous luck,
survive the deadly demands 
of your taste buds

But this praise rings hollow
when we sit down to eat
Your knife cuts their flesh,
I feel the knife in me

Who do you think we 
are rescuing them from?

25 Jan 2020

written for Ace Wilde, and from his point of view, based on his own beautifully heartfelt words:

23 January 2020

Voting, Because the Toilet Won’t Unclog Itself

Sometimes Democracy
gets clogged with 
greed and corruption,
lies and obstruction

Sometimes the shit
is so massive, 
so dense that 
one flush won’t do

Sometimes, to get that
lingering excrement 
to flow out of the house
and out of the senate…

for that enormous,
orange-tinged turd
that just won’t go away…

Sometimes, you need to 
flush ten, fifteen times

to force that shit
down the drain

hoping we can someday
recover from the 
overpowering stench

23 Jan 2020

09 January 2020

Don't Judge Me While I’m Judging

Another black man 
faces your wrath, 
your vengeance 

His crime, 
and it was brutal, 
was causing animal suffering 

You express your hatred 
of Michael Vick 
with pieces of other animals 
still stuck in your teeth 

Qualifying your disgust 
with animal suffering 
selectively by species 

His punishment was served, 
yet your hatred continues 
Forgiving strong black men 
was not on the agenda for today 

Despite our compassion 
for those around us 
who still send animals 
to a dark, brutal death 
day after day, 
meal after meal 

Vick was cruel to animals 
for his pleasure 
My pleasure is different, 
you adamantly contend 

Failing to see the difference 
is only in your mind 

9 Dec 2019

07 January 2020

An Atheist Went to a Funeral

They claim God is everywhere 
and, as if to prove their point, 
he was in every word of welcome, 
every song, each memory shared 

The pastor seemed far more concerned 
with the status of my soul 
than celebrating the life 
we gathered to remember 

06 January 2020

An Inconvenient Meal

I’m sorry to be 
an inconvenience 

The dishes you make 
of slaughtered animals 
fail to whet my appetite 

I awkwardly nibble 
the raw strips of carrots and celery, 
the only accommodation 
you offer my ethics, 
while broken bodies 
repeatedly enter 
your greasy lips 

You pass me strange glances, 
stunned that I could 
somehow decline 
to stuff my face 
with the roasted victims 
of your meal 

I’m sorry you see me 
as an inconvenience, 
but I’m more sorry 
you don’t see them at all 

I’m sorry you savor the taste 
more than my comfort, 
more than their lives 

7 Dec 2019

Mexico Said No, Though You Never Ask for Consent

Standard procedure, 
par for your course 
You don’t seek permission, 
you have no remorse 

Groping and grabbing 
wherever you please 
Using your tiny hands 
to take a big squeeze 

Running your hands 
under dressing room frocks, 
dismissing it all 
as locker room talk 

Denying you knew 
the women who complained 
Continuing on, 
completely unconstrained 

But now a whole country 
is in the eyes of the crook 
as you try your best to grab 
their pussy or pocketbook 

You told Mexico 
to pay for your wall 

They told you to 
go fuck yourself 
and keep your hands off us all 

29 Nov 2019

05 January 2020

04 January 2020

Justice Was Lost in Central Park

Beaten, coerced 
into confessions 

Confessions that did not, 
could not, 
match the reality 

Justice didn’t waste time 
as the city 
called for vengeance 

She found five 
easy targets upon whom 
to direct the city’s wrath 

Oh, Justice has a cane 
but it is not 
because she is blind 

Her cane has 
other purposes 

With strong, swift blows, 
Justice took a swing 
at five innocent boys 

When the last strike had landed, 
the innocence of childhood 
was smashed into pieces, 
their hope for the future 
locked tightly behind bars 

Bars that would 
hold them and scar them 
for six to fourteen years 

Justice, celebrating 
the job she had done 
providing five perfect scapegoats, 
contentedly patted her own back 

It took the attacker himself, 
more than a decade later, 
to set the record straight 

Innocence was never recaptured, 
years were never returned, 
the harm could not be undone 

If only Justice had bothered 
putting down her cane 
and opening her eyes 
in 1989 

29 Nov 2019

02 January 2020

Waiting For the Knife

Be happy,
they tell me,
while we wait 
for the knife

Piles of food
dumped in
front of us
to fatten us
for the knife

Our children
have disappeared
They’ve already 
met the knife

Our babies’ milk
is taken from us
Until it slows,
then the knife

So many of us
packed together
in line 
for the knife

But be happy,
they tell me
while I wait
for the knife

2 Oct 2019

01 January 2020

When The Orders Were Inhumane, He Chose to be Human

A brutal account, featuring the words of Captain Silas Soule

They declared their intention 
to massacre the friendly Indians 
camped on Sand Creek 

I was indignant 
as you would have been 
were you here 

Any man who would 
take part in the murders, 
knowing the circumstances we did, 
was a low lived cowardly 
son of a bitch 

Chiv and all hands 
swore they would hang me 
before they moved camp, 
but I stuck it out 

Lieut. Wilson cut off their herd, 
made a circle to the rear, 
two hundred yards from the village, 
opened fire 

Poor Old John Smith 
and Louderbeck ran out 
with white flags 

I heard an officer say 
that Old Smith 
and anyone who 
sympathized with Indians 
ought to be killed 
and now was 
a good time to do it 

I refused to fire 
and swore none 
but a coward would, 
for by this time 
hundreds of women and children 
were coming towards us, 
getting on their knees 
for mercy 

Anthony shouted, 
“kill the sons of bitches” 

The battery came up in our rear, 
and opened on them 

No organization among our troops, 
they were a perfect mob 

My company was the only one 
that kept their formation, 
and we did not fire a shot 

The massacre lasted 
six or eight hours, 
and a good many Indians escaped 

It was hard to see 
little children on their knees 
have their brains beat out 
by men professing to be civilized 

One squaw was wounded 
and a fellow took a hatchet 
to finish her, 
he cut one arm off, 
and held the other 
with one hand and 
dashed the hatchet 
through her brain 

One squaw with her two children, 
on their knees, 
begging for their lives 
of a dozen soldiers, 
within ten feet of them 
all firing 

When one succeeded 
in hitting the squaw in the thigh, 
she took a knife, 
cut the throats of both children, 
then killed herself 

One Old Squaw 
hung herself 
in the lodge, 
not enough room 
for her to hang, 
she held up her knees, 
choked herself to death 

I saw two Indians 
hold one anothers hands, 
chased until they were exhausted, 
when they kneeled down, 
clasped each other 
around the neck, 
and both were shot together 

Our best Indians killed, 
Black Kettle, One Eye, 
Minnemic, Left Hand 

White Antelope, War Bonnet, 
and a number of others 
had ears and privates cut off 

Squaws snatches 
were cut out for trophies 

You would think it impossible 
for white men to butcher 
and mutilate human beings 
as they did there, 
but every word 
I have told you 
is the truth, 
which they do not deny 

Chivington has gone to Washington 
to be made a General, I suppose 

I spent New Year’s day 
on the battle ground 
counting dead Indians, 
One hundred thirty killed, 
most women and children, 
all of them scalped 

2 Dec 2019

*All words are from Soule’s letters to his mother and Major Ned Wynkoop. Some words were trimmed for poetic purposes, none added. Captain Soule was murdered two months after testifying before an Army commission in Colorado as a witness to the atrocities.